New Student Online Enrollment » Enrollment Process

Enrollment Process

  1. Please complete the Online Enrollment process.
    Online Enrollment Instructions (English | Spanish)
  2. Along with the signed enrollment confirmation from the online process, submit the following materials: 
Required materials and enrollment are not complete until all documents listed below are received.

  • A current Photo Identification (A government or non-government issued Photo ID)
  • Proof of the child's birth date must be presented at the time of registration. Proof may be a certified copy of a birth record or a statement by the local registrar or a county recorder certifying the date of birth, or a baptism certificate duly attested, or a passport, or, when none of the foregoing is obtainable, an affidavit of the parent, guardian, or custodian of the minor, or any other appropriate means of proving the age of the child as prescribed by the governing board of the school district. (CA Education Code Section 48002).
2) RESIDENCY– Residency is established by providing one of the following:
  • Current utility bill: electric, water or Southern California Gas Co. School may accept a Letter of Residency from Southern California Edison.
  • Current property tax or income tax documents from the IRS, State, and/or County
  • Escrow papers with closing date within 90 calendar days of student entering school 
  • Rental/lease agreement or payment receipts and, if applicable, Rental Supplemental Form
  • Current payroll stub, unemployment check, or evidence of disability benefits (both name and address must appear on the checks)
  • Current Social Services placement documents
  • Voter registration
  • Correspondence from a government agency
  • Residency Verification Affidavit Form

  • Parents must provide student(s) immunization records when contacting the school to complete enrollment
After completing online enrollment, please contact your school site to finalize enrollment and arrange to submit the required documentation.