The first day of school is always filled with great anticipation and excitement, and though the first day of school marks a new beginning for our students, the district’s vision for the year remains steady and clear: we are committed to being a dynamic learning community that prepares each and every student for success now and in the future.
In preparation for the new year, PYLUSD teachers, staff, and administrators remained hard at work to ensure the continued growth of the district’s five focus areas -- academic achievement, effective instruction and leadership, engaged community, safe and respectful environment, and optimized resources. This included developing curriculum, exploring new classroom strategies, engaging staff with various professional growth opportunities, strengthening community partnerships, increasing educational opportunities outside of the classroom, updating campus facilities, and much more. Whew…I could not be more proud of the thoughtful work that staff bring to each and every school year!
Looking ahead to another successful PYL school year, the district will continue to be driven by the mutual sense of pride and appreciation for the community that embraces and supports the influence of our teachers and staff. We are keenly aware of the valuable partnership our families and community partners play in our everyday success. It is that same unique partnership that helps to provide our students the very best in 21st century educational experiences. Future Ready…you bet!
Whether students enter the new school year with their very first backpack and lunchbox in Preppy-K or a Senior preparing to start the journey leading to the family celebration of the graduation stage, PYLUSD wants to ensure that each student feel a sense of home and belonging on our campuses. Student and teacher success are vitally intertwined, and that momentum building success stems from a culture that promotes the emotional health, safety, and well-being of students. That culture of care and belonging is truly the PYLUSD way!
Wishing you all the very best in the new school year…let our journey begin!
Warm Regards,
Gregory S. Plutko, Ed.D.