Physical Education » Medical, Weather, & Clothing

Medical, Weather, & Clothing

Participation Exemptions: 
Participation in Physical Education is required by state law.  If your child is to be excused from class because of illness or injury, please send a signed note to school to be given to the physical education specialist and school nurse/teacher.  
Students who do not actively participate will still be involved in class in some form.  
*After three days of missed activity, a physician’s note is requested.   
Doctor’s Notes: 
If a Doctor recommends an exemption from P.E., it may be a good idea to ask them if there are any activities your student CAN do.  Doctors will frequently write specific recommendations for what type of activity is acceptable or not.
Health Concerns: 
If your child has any special needs or concerns such as asthma, allergies, etc., please communicate with your student's school administrator and PE specialist. 
Shoes should cover the entire foot and allow your child to participate in activities in the grass or on the blacktop.  Sandals are not acceptable.  Additionally, "skorts" are appropriate alternatives (in place of skirts or dresses).
Hot Weather: 
The Elementary Physical Education Program follows the OCDE Hot Weather Guidelines.  If PE is outside during hot days, students are given extra access to shade and water, and physical activity is reduced.