Transitional Kindergarten (TK) » What Is Transitional Kindergarten?

What Is Transitional Kindergarten?

California passed “The Kindergarten Readiness Act” (SB 1381), which changes the age when children are eligible to enter kindergarten. For the 2024-2025 school year, children who turn 5 and have birthdays between September 2, 2019, through June 2, 2020, are eligible for Transitional Kindergarten. Transitional K gives our youngest learners an early start and provides them with the opportunity to learn and grow in an environment tailored to meet their academic and social-emotional needs. Transitional Kindergarten serves as a bridge between preschool and kindergarten and ensures that developmentally younger children are ready for kindergarten and beyond.

A Winning Solution for California

Transitional Kindergarten (TK) represents a true bridge between preschool and traditional kindergarten. Taught by a credentialed teacher with early childhood expertise, TK uses a unique, specialized curriculum that is aligned to the California Preschool Learning Foundations & Frameworks and is designed explicitly to support the social-emotional, physical, and academic needs of young learners. The TK environment includes many opportunities for social-emotional development, fine- and gross motor activities, and oral language development for all kinds of learners. PYLUSD’s TK program prioritizes purposeful, structured play, small-group instruction, and intentional teaching using hands-on, experiential activities. TK truly provides our youngest learners with the gift of time, enabling all students to begin traditional kindergarten ready to thrive

For additional information please see Transitional Kindergarten FAQs.
Forms & Flyers for Transitional Kindergarten

Contact Information

Name Title Phone/Email
Alma Padilla Early Learning Specialist (TK District-Wide Support) (714) 985-8676 / [email protected]